Monday, January 19, 2009

Why I Write "A Certainty"

As you can tell from the Smatchoo Blog, I like to make fun when things don't make sense. And I realize a little more all the time, there's quite a few things that don't.

But I do have some certainties in my life. And this is why I'm writing. To tell you the things that I know. And in hopes that you too will come to have a certainty.
My Dad tells me, "Write about what ya know. "
And there is nothing in my life that I am so sure of than this:

There indeed is a God who sent His son, Jesus Christ to atone for the sins of the world. And by following Christ's example, may we enjoy all the blessings and happiness that Heavenly Father has intended us to have.

Luke 1:4 - Luke tells us why he writes the story of Christ's life on earth. It is so that we might know with a certainty that Jesus Christ's life is true. How grateful I am for his reason for writing. Because now, I too know.

This will be a record of experiences in my life that support my testimony of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. -
1 Timothy 4:12-16

Find the testimony of His Apostles